Saturday, May 24, 2014

Momma saves the day!

My mom had planned on coming to help out for a couple week’s when Braxton was born but moved her flight forward when he ended up in the hospital right after birth.  I was hesitant to have her spend the money for the ticket change but honestly am INCREDIBLY thankful she wouldn’t be talked out of coming early.  The days in the hospital were really tough, yes, but the first weeks home from the hospital were almost as difficult.  There were times I felt really crazy (sleep deprivation plus hormones plus the birth trauma plus time in hospital) and mom really helped to back Chris up when he told me to sleep.  She cooked, cleaned, and walking screaming Braxton around the neighborhood for more often hours than I can count… plus she gave me an extra hour of sleep every morning by taking Braxton as soon as I gave him his breakfast.   I really credit her and Katherine for helping us make it through that first tough bit! 

Walking around Brampton with Braxton.

Teeny tiny monkey

Skyping with Sarah and Cara :D

Mom worked half days from her 'home' office.

That teeny jacket looks huge next to Braxton!

Our first outing - in the sling on the way to the Co-op.

He loves to stick his bum out ;D

Brax sleeping, mom reading.

Getting to know our sweety pie.

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